Friday, January 4, 2008

Tyrannosaurus Rex

• 1,080KB/A4 PDF, 1,080KB/US LTR PDF

• Paper Size: A4 or US letter; 6pages

• Orientation: Portrait

Tyrannosaurus Rex, whose name means "tyrant lizard king", is classified as a bipedal carnivore (Therapoda) of the lizard-hipped dinosaur order (Saurischia). It had a large, sturdy head and long hind legs and a tail. In comparison, its arms were very short with two-fingered hands. What their actual purpose was is unclear. It is believed that T-Rex was able to balance skillfully and moved around on its two hind legs. Dinosaurs lived about 225 million years ago, in the Mesozoic era, which is made up of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. It is thought likely that the dinosaurs were wiped out around 65 million years ago, when many plants and animals died as a result of climatic changes brought about by a meteor striking the earth, but no one knows what really happened.

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