Friday, January 4, 2008


• 1,646KB/A4 PDF, 1,650KB/US LTR PDF

• Paper Size: A4 or US letter; 6pages

• Orientation: Landscape

The Stegosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur that lived in North America in the late Jurassic period of the Mesozoic era. Ranging up to approximately 7 - 9 meters in length, the Stegosaurus’ most outstanding characteristic is the large bony plates running in a line down its back to its tail, alternating from side to side. Blood vessels developed in the surfaces and insides of these plates, perhaps to radiate heat and cool the body. With its small head, this dinosaur’s brain was only about as big as two or three ping-pong balls. The spines at the tip of its tail appear to have been used as weapons to protect the Stegosaurus against enemies.


• 2,040KB/A4 PDF, 2,040KB/US LTR PDF

• Paper Size: A4 or US letter; 7pages

• Orientation: Portrait

Triceratops' name means "three-horned face". Triceratops is classed as one of the frilled Ceratopsians of the order Ornithischia, which have bird-like bone structures. This giant herbivore walked on four legs and would have used its horns to fight off attackers.The frills were likely to have been used to regulate the animal's body temperature, or perhaps in territorial fights among males, but no-one really knows for sure.Dinosaurs lived about 225 million years ago, in the Mesozoic era, which is made up of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. It is thought likely that the dinosaurs were wiped out around 65 million years ago, when many plants and animals died as a result of climatic changes brought about by a meteor striking the earth, but no one knows what really happened.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

• 1,080KB/A4 PDF, 1,080KB/US LTR PDF

• Paper Size: A4 or US letter; 6pages

• Orientation: Portrait

Tyrannosaurus Rex, whose name means "tyrant lizard king", is classified as a bipedal carnivore (Therapoda) of the lizard-hipped dinosaur order (Saurischia). It had a large, sturdy head and long hind legs and a tail. In comparison, its arms were very short with two-fingered hands. What their actual purpose was is unclear. It is believed that T-Rex was able to balance skillfully and moved around on its two hind legs. Dinosaurs lived about 225 million years ago, in the Mesozoic era, which is made up of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. It is thought likely that the dinosaurs were wiped out around 65 million years ago, when many plants and animals died as a result of climatic changes brought about by a meteor striking the earth, but no one knows what really happened.

Bald eagle Papercraft

The bald eagle is one of the larger types of eagle, its body measuring between 76 and 92cm, and its wingspan can reach more than two meters. Its dark brown body and white head and shoulders are the bald eagle's most distinguishing features. The bald eagle is also the national bird of the United States of America. This, along with its striking appearance, makes it a very well-known bird in the United States. Bald eagles can be found mostly in coastal areas of the North American continent, along the shores, rivers, and lakes. The bald eagle is protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the Bald Eagle Protection Act, enacted in 1918 and 1940 respectively. Many North American indigenous people regard the bald eagle as a sacred creature, and the birds or their feathers feature in many rituals and traditional costumes. In addition, the bald eagle is also regarded as a symbol of wisdom, power, and strength, and a sign of peace and friendship.This papercraft is about one half the size of a real bald eagle.

Sailship: Sagres

Guide (See Help)•

No.1 to No.6: 3,289KB/A4 PDF, 4,044KB/US LTR PDF

• No.7 to No.13: 251KB/A4 PDF, 1.698KB/US LTR PDF

• Paper Size: A4 or US letter; 13pages

• Orientation: Portrait

Sailship: Sagres

Built in 1937 by Blohm & Voss in Hamburg, Germany, the Sagres II began life as a German Navy training vessel known as the Albert Leo Schlageter. Damaged in World War II, she was subsequently confiscated by the United States and given to Brazil, where she served through 1961 as a training vessel under the name Guanabara. Following a sale to the Portuguese Navy, she became the training vessel Sagres II, a role that continues through today. Her name comes from the Sagres Cape, the site of the world's first marine school, established by Prince Henry the Navigator in the 15th century. Its sails feature the Cross of Malta, which was emblazoned on sails of Portuguese vessels during the Age of Discovery.

Giant Pandas Papercraft

Download Guide (See Help)• 600KB/A4 PDF, 597KB/US LTR PDF• Paper Size: A4 or US letter; 6pages• Orientation: Portrait

Giant Pandas live in humid bamboo forests or forests with a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees, at altitudes of 1300 to 3600 meters. Both males and females live alone most of the year, and do not hibernate like bears do. Giant Pandas sleep for 10 to 16 hours per day, and spend most of their waking hours eating bamboo shoots and leaves. Occasionally a Giant Panda will eat insects or small animals. The Giant Panda has a protrusion on its wrist, which the Giant Panda can use like a thumb. This "sixth finger" is perfect for grasping bamboo stalks. Giant Pandas are excellent tree climbers, and often climb trees to avoid enemies. However, they are not very good at climbing down from trees, and often fall in the process. Giant Pandas have black fur around their eyes and on their ears, nose, shoulders, arms, and legs. Other areas of their bodies are covered by white or cream-colored fur. Their tails are white as well. This adorable giant panda is posed walking as he gazes up at you from the ground. You can also make a giant panda sitting with a bamboo branch. Choose whichever one you like!

Pegasus Papercraft

• 1,296KB/A4 PDF,1,575KB/US LTR PDF

• Paper Size: A4 or US letter; 17pages

• Orientation: Landscape

Pegasus is a mythical flying horse with wings on his back, and a legendary part of Greek mythology.Pegasus was the offspring of Poseidon and Medusa. After being helped by Pegasus to accomplish many noble deeds beginning with slaying the beast Chimera, the mortal Bellerophon attempted to ride on Pegasus's back into the home of the gods. This outraged Zeus, and he sent down a gadfly to sting Pegasus on the nose, causing Bellerophon to fall all the way to Earth and die. It is said that Pegasus, having realized the error of their ways, ascended to the heavens and became a constellation (The Pegasus Constellation).Pegasus was made the servant of Zeus, the king of the gods, which is considered a heraldic symbol of refinement and prestige.